
作者: 时间:2019-05-08 点击数:

职称 教授 院士 同济大学兼职教授 联系方式 dchen@ryerson.ca
研究方向 轻金属材料 个人主页链接 https://people.ryerson.ca/dchen/index.html
学习工作单位 加拿大瑞尔森大学 联系电话 (416) 979-5000 ext. 6487



Daolun Chen,Dr.rer.nat., PhD, PEng, AFCASI, FIMMM, FCIM, FCAE


Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Ryerson University

350 Victoria Street

Toronto, Ontario M5B 2K3


Phone: (416) 979-5000 ext. 6487

Fax: (416) 979-5265


Currently accepting Ph.D. and Master's students


Dr. Chen is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Ryerson University. He received his BS in 1983, MS in 1986 in Materials Science and Engineering from Northeastern University, China; Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1989; and his second doctorate (Dr.rer.nat.) in Chemistry from the University of Vienna, Austria, 1993. In addition, Dr. Chen obtained a Certificate in Higher Education Teaching at the University of Manitoba in 2000. Prior to joining Ryerson University as an Assistant Professor (2001-2004) and then Associate Professor (2004-2008), Dr. Chen worked as a Post-doc Fellow (1993-1995) and Senior Research Scientist (1995-1997) at the University of Vienna; Research Associate at the University of Manitoba (1997-2000); and Materials and Process Engineer at Bristol Aerospace Ltd., Winnipeg, Manitoba (2000-2001).

Dr. Chen, an elected Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering (FCAE), Fellow of Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (FCIM), Fellow of the [UK] Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM), and a recipient of Premier's Research Excellence Award (PREA), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada DAS Award, MetSoc Award for Research Excellence, MetSoc Distinguished Materials Scientist Award, Sarwan Sahota Distinguished Scholar Award, Ryerson inaugural Faculty SRC Award, FEAS Research Excellence Award, and Ryerson Research Chair, has authored 384 peer-reviewed journal (304) and conference (80) papers, plus 193 additional non-refereed conference papers/abstracts and research reports, including two sets of "ABC" journals (Set one:Acta Materialia,Biomaterials, andCarbon; Set two:Materials Science and EngineeringA,B, andC),Journal of Power Sources,Scientific Reports, Scripta Materialia, etc. An incomplete search (mainly based on the Web of Science) indicates that his research results have been cited 5,742 times by other researchers (or 8,800+ citations with anh-index of 47 fromGoogle Scholar), including those cited in 160 review papers, 99 books or book chapters (where the number of the authored/non-edited books is 29), and 8 handbooks/sourcebooks or encyclopedia. His ground-breaking work on the nanocomposite materials leads to a well-known method that bears his name, and is twice identified by the Council of Canadian Academies (consisting of the Royal Society of Canada, Canadian Academy of Engineering, and Canadian Academy of Health Sciences) to be one of the top 1% most highly cited papers in his field worldwide.

Dr. Chen is currently an Editor, Associate Editor, or Member of Editorial Board (or Advisory Board) of the following 30 journals.

Dr. Chen has been a member of Grant Selection Committee, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), a member of Review Panel of Early Researcher Award (ERA), Ministry of Research and Innovation, a member of Board of Canadian Fracture Research Corporation (CFRC), a reviewer of research proposals for 15 granting agencies in Canada, USA, European and Asian countries including NSERC, Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), National Science Foundation (US-NSF), US-DOE, US-DOD, European Union Research Executive Agency - Horizon 2020 Programme, Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, National Council for Science and Technology of Greece, Czech Science Foundation, American Chemical Society (ACS-US), and Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE), etc., and a reviewer of papers for 57 international journals includingScience(IF: 41.058), Nature Materials(IF: 39.235), andNature Communications(IF: 12.353). Dr. Chen has also been invited by science reporters to give interviews and comments on some key scientific breakthroughs published in the journals ofNatureandScience. He has been a member of several professional societies, including Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO), Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM), Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI), Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME), Canadian Welding Association (CWA), American Society for Materials (ASM-International), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Materials Research Society (MRS), The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), formerly European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS, 1994-1997), and New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS, 1995-1998).

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Research Interests

Dr. Chen's research interests include advanced materials (bio- and nano-materials, composites, etc.) and other critical engineering materials, and their mechanicalproperties, fatigue, fracture, deformation, physical metallurgy,phase transformation,microstructural characterization, materials processing, welding, brazing, stress corrosion cracking, corrosion fatigue, failure analysis and life prediction.


Research Equipment

  1. Instron 8801 fatigue testing system with three load cells of different capacities and various accessories.

  2. JEOL 6380LV scanning electron microscope (SEM), equipped with Oxford energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), as well as three-dimensional (3D) surface imaging and analysis capacity, where the EBSD and EDS can also be used either independently or simultaneously.

  3. PANalytical X-ray diffractometer (XRD), with functions of phase identification, phase quantification, crystallographic texture determination, residual stress measurement, microdiffraction, in conjunction with a vacuum and heating system for high-temperature measurements.

  4. Rotating bending fatigue machine.

  5. Nikon optical microscope.

  6. Nikon macroscopic imaging system.

  7. Vernier traveling/measuring microscope.

  8. Clemex quantitative image analysis.

  9. Polaron SC7620 sputter coating system.

  10. Digital Rockwell hardness tester.

  11. Buehler microhardness tester (Vickers and Knoop).

  12. United tensile testing machine.

  13. Admet tensile testing machine.

  14. Charpy impact tester.

  15. Ultrasonic spot welding system.

  16. High-temperature vacuum furnace.

  17. Princeton Applied Research potentiostat/galvanostat.

  18. Inert gas atmosphere furnace, and other heat treatment furnaces.

  19. Various metallographic preparation facilities, including automatic polisher and electropolishing set-up.

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A. Refereed journal papers

  1. H.M.Ji, X.W.Li, D.L.Chen, Crack initiation and growth in a special quasi-sandwich crossed-lamellar structure in cymbiola nobilis seashell,Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2019, 90, 104-112.

  2. P.L.Niu, W.Y.Li, N.Li, Y.X.Xu, D.L.Chen, Exfoliation corrosion of friction stir welded dissimilar 2024-to-7075 aluminum alloys,Materials Characterization, 2019, 147, 93-100.

  3. H.Peng, D.L.Chen, X.F.Bai, X.W.She, D.Y.Li, X.Q.Jiang,Ultrasonic spot welding of magnesium-to-aluminum alloys with a copper interlayer: Microstructural evolution and tensile properties,Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2019, 37, 91-100.

  4. P.L.Niu, W.Y.Li, A.Vairis, D.L.Chen, Cyclic deformation behavior of friction-stir-welded dissimilar AA5083-to-AA2024 joints: Effect of microstructure and loading history,Materials Science and Engineering A, 2019, 744, 145-153.

  5. S.M.A.K.Mohammed, D.J.Li, X.Q.Zeng, D.L.Chen, Cyclic deformation behavior of a high zinc-containing cast magnesium alloy,International Journal of Fatigue, 2019, 125, 1-10.

  6. V.K.Patel, S.D.Bhole, D.L.Chen, D.R.Ni, B.L.Xiao, Z.Y.Ma, Ultrasonic spot welding of dissimilar 2024Al alloy and SiCp/2009Al composite,Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 2019, 233(3), 531-538.

  7. X.C.Luo, D.T.Zhang, G.H.Cao, C.Qiu, D.L.Chen, Multi-pass submerged friction stir processing of AZ61 magnesium alloy: Strengthening mechanisms and fracture behavior,Journal of Materials Science, 2019, 54, 8640-8654.

  8. S.M.A.K.Mohammed, S.S.Dash, X.Q.Jiang, D.Y.Li, D.L.Chen,Ultrasonic spot welding of 5182 aluminum alloy: Evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties,Materials Science and Engineering A, 2019, 756, 417-429.

  9. L.Q.Guo, L.Li, Q.Y.Li, W.Li, D.L.Chen, D.Y.Li, In situ AFM analysis of surface electron behaviors of strain-free and deformed ferrite and austenite in duplex steel and their correlation with electron work function,Physica Status Solidi (a) - Applications and Materials Science, accepted, 2019.

  10. S.M.A.KMohammed, D.J.Li, X.Q.Zeng, D.L.Chen, Low cycle fatigue behavior of a newly-developed cast aluminum alloy for automotive applications,Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, accepted, 2019.

  11. S.J.Qu, S.Q.Tang, A.H.Feng, C.Feng, J.Shen, D.L.Chen,Microstructural evolution and high-temperature oxidation mechanisms of a titanium aluminide based alloy,Acta Materialia,2018, 148, 300-310.

  12. A.Hadadzadeh, F.Mokdad, M.A.Wells, D.L.Chen, A new grain orientation spread approach to analyze the dynamic recrystallization behavior of a cast-homogenized Mg-Zn-Zr alloy using electron backscattered diffraction,Materials Science and Engineering A, 2018, 709, 285-289.

  13. H.M.Ji, S.M.Liang, X.W.Li, D.L.Chen, A self-assembled smart architecture against drilling predation in a Pinctada maxima shell: Protective mechanisms,Journal of Materials Science, 2018, 53, 3417-3426.

  14. F.Mokdad, D.L.Chen, D.Y.Li, Twin-twin interactions and contraction twin formation in an extruded magnesium alloy subjected to an alteration of compressive direction,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 737, 549-560.

  15. A.Hadadzadeh, F.Mokdad, M.A.Wells, D.L.Chen, Modeling dynamic recrystallization during hot deformation of a cast-homogenized Mg-Zn-Zr alloy,Materials Science and Engineering A,2018, 720, 180-188.

  16. H.Peng, X.Q.Jiang, X.F.Bai, D.Y.Li, D.L.Chen,Microstructure and mechanical properties of ultrasonic spot welded Mg/Al alloy dissimilar joints,Metals,2018, 8(4), 229; doi:10.3390/met8040229.

  17. P.Wanjara, B.S.Naik, Q.Yang, X.Cao, J.Gholipour, D.L.Chen, Linear friction welding of dissimilar materials 316L stainless steel to zircaloy-4,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2018, 49(5), 1641-1652.

  18. A.Hadadzadeh, F.Mokdad, B.S.Amirkhiz, M.A.Wells, B.Williams, D.L.Chen, Bimodal grain microstructure development during hot compression of a cast-homogenized Mg-Zn-Zr alloy,Materials Science and Engineering A,2018, 724, 421-430.

  19. X.C.Luo, D.T.Zhang, W.W.Zhang, C.Qiu, D.L.Chen, Tensile properties of AZ61 magnesium alloy produced by multi-pass friction stir processing: Effect of sample orientation,Materials Science and Engineering A,2018, 725, 398-405.

  20. H.M.Ji, X.W.Li, D.L.Chen,Deformation and fracture behavior of a natural shell ceramic: Coupled effects of shell shape and microstructure,Materials Science and Engineering C, 2018, 90, 557-567.

  21. C.K.Yan, A.H.Feng, S.J.Qu, G.J.Cao, J.L.Sun, J.Shen, D.L.Chen, Dynamic recrystallization of titanium: Effect of pre-activated twinning at cryogenic temperature,Acta Materialia, 2018, 154, 311-324.

  22. N.Tahreen, D.F.Zhang, F.S.Pan, X.Q.Jiang, D.Y.Li, D.L.Chen, Strengthening mechanisms in magnesium alloys containing ternary I, W and LPSO phases,Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2018, 34(7), 1110-1118.

  23. S.L.Zhang, Z.Chen, S.J.Qu, A.H.Feng, X.Lu, J.Shen, D.L.Chen, Influence of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloy fabricated via electron beam selective melting,Hot Working Technology, 2018, 47(10), 226-231.

  24. Z.Y.Ma, A.H.Feng, D.L.Chen, J.Shen, Recent advances in friction stir welding/processing of aluminum alloys: Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties,Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences, 2018, 43(4), 269-333.

  25. M.H.Razmpoosh, A.Macwan, E.Biro, D.L.Chen, Y.Peng, F.Goodwin, Y.N.Zhou, Liquid metal embrittlement in laser beam welding of Zn-coated 22MnB5 steel,Materials and Design, 2018, 155, 375-383.

  26. P.L.Niu, W.Y.Li, D.L.Chen, Strain hardening behavior and mechanisms of friction stir welded dissimilar joints of aluminum alloys,Materials Letters,2018, 231, 68-71.

  27. J.M.Xiang, G.B.Mi, S.J.Qu, X.Huang, Z.Chen, A.H.Feng, J.Shen, D.L.Chen,Thermodynamic and microstructural study of Ti2AlNb oxides at 800oC,Scientific Reports, 2018, 8, Article number 12761.

  28. V.Kumar, L.Li, H.L.Gui, X.G.Wang, Q.X.Huang, Q.Y.Li, F.Mokdad, D.L.Chen, D.Y.Li, Tribological properties of AZ31 alloy pre-deformed at low and high strain rates via the work function,Wear, 2018, 414-415, 126-135.

  29. M.H.Razmpoosh, E.Biro, D.L.Chen, F.Goodwin, Y.Zhou, Liquid metal embrittlement in laser lap joining of TWIP and medium-manganese TRIP steel: The role of stress and grain boundaries,Materials Characterization, 2018, 145, 627-633.

  30. H.Peng, X.Q.Jiang, D.L.Chen, Ultrasonic spot welding of an aluminum alloy for automotive applications,Materials Science Forum, 2018, 941, 735-740.

  31. H.M.Ji, X.W.Li, D.L.Chen,Cymbiola nobilis shell: Toughening mechanisms in a crossed-lamellar structure,Scientific Reports,2017, 7, 40043, doi: 10.1038/srep40043.

  32. A.Macwan, A.Kumar, D.L.Chen, Ultrasonic spot welded 6111-T4 aluminum alloy to galvanized high-strength low-alloy steel: Microstructure and mechanical properties,Materials and Design, 2017, 113, 284-296.

  33. F.Mokdad, D.L.Chen, D.Y.Li,Single and double twin nucleation, growth, and interaction in an extruded magnesium alloy,Materials and Design,2017, 119, 376-396.

  34. A.Macwan, F.A.Mirza, S.D.Bhole, D.L.Chen, Similar and dissimilar ultrasonic spotwelding of 5754 aluminum alloy for automotive applications,Materials Science Forum, 2017, 877, 561-568.

  35. S.K.Shaha, F.Czerwinski, W.Kasprzak, J.Friedman, D.L.Chen, Ageing characteristics and high-temperaturetensile properties of Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys with micro-additions of Mo and Mn,Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017, 684, 726-736.

  36. S.Q.Wang, T.J.Ma, G.D.Wen, W.Y.Li, D.L.Chen, Microstructure and fatigue properties of linear friction welded TC4 titanium alloy joints,Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2017,22(3), 177-181.

  37. F.A.Mirza, A.Macwan, S.D.Bhole, D.L.Chen, X.G.Chen,Microstructure, tensile and fatigue properties of ultrasonic spot welded aluminum to galvanized high-strength-low-alloy and low-carbon steel sheets,Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017, 690, 323-336.

  38. Q.L.Cui, D.Parkes, D.Westerbaan, S.S.Nayak, Y.Zhou, D.Saha, D.Liu, F.Goodwin, S.Bhole, D.L.Chen, Tensile and fatigue properties of single and multiple dissimilar welded joints of DP980 and HSLA,Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,2017, 26(2), 783-791.

  39. S.K.Shaha, F.Czerwinski, W.Kasprzak, J.Friedman, D.L.Chen,B.Shalchi-Amirkhiz, Interaction between nano-precipitates and dislocations during high temperature deformation of Al-Si alloys,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 712, 219-224.

  40. H.Peng, D.L.Chen, X.Q.Jiang,Microstructure and mechanical properties of an ultrasonic spot welded aluminum alloy: Effect of welding energy,Materials, 2017, 10, 449, 16p; doi:10.3390/ma10050449(Free download here).

  41. H.M.Ji, X.W.Li, D.L.Chen, Crystallographic texture of crossed-lamellar structure inCymbiola nobilisshell,Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2017, 125(5), 419-422.

  42. F.Mokdad, D.L.Chen, Z.Y.Liu, D.R.Ni, B.L.Xiao, Z.Y.Ma, Hot deformation and activation energy of a CNT-reinforced aluminum matrix nanocomposite,Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017, 695, 322-331.

  43. Z.X.Zhang, S.J.Qu, A.H.Feng, J.Shen, D.L.Chen, Hot deformation behavior of Ti-6Al-4V alloy: Effect of initial microstructure,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 718, 170-181.

  44. S.Q.Wang, W.Y.Li, K.Jing, X.Y.Zhang, D.L.Chen, Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of electron beam welded dissimilar titanium alloy joints,Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017, 697, 224-232.

  45. X.W.Li, H.M.Ji, W.Yang, G.P.Zhang, D.L.Chen, Mechanical properties of crossed-lamellar structures in biological shells: A review,Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2017, 74, 54-71(An invited review article).

  46. S.Q.Tang, S.J.Qu, A.H.Feng, C.Feng, J.Shen, D.L.Chen,Core-multishell globular oxidation in a new TiAlNbCr alloy at high temperatures,Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, Article number 3483, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-03690-0.

  47. F.Mokdad, D.L.Chen, Z.Y.Liu, D.R.Ni, B.L.Xia, Z.Y.Ma, Three-dimensional processing maps and microstructural evolution of a CNT-reinforced Al-Cu-Mg nanocomposite,Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017, 702, 425-437.

  48. F.Mokdad, D.L.Chen, Z.Y.Liu, B.L.Xiao, D.R.Ni, Z.Y.Ma, Deformation and strengthening mechanisms of a carbon nanotube reinforced aluminum composite,Carbon,2016, 104, 64-77.

  49. S.Q.Wang, W.Y.Li, Y.Zhou, X.Li, D.L.Chen, Tensile and fatigue behavior of electron beam welded dissimilar joints of Ti-6Al-4V and IMI834 titanium alloys,Materials Science and Engineering A,2016, 649, 146-152.

  50. Q.L.Cui, D.Parkes, D.Westerbaan, S.S.Nayak, Y.Zhou, D.Liu, F.Goodwin, S.Bhole, D.L.Chen, Effect ofcoating on fiber laser welded joints of DP980 steels,Material and Design,2016, 90, 516-523.

  51. S.K.Shaha, F.Czerwinski, W.Kasprzak, J.Friedman, D.L.Chen,Ageing characteristics and high-temperature tensile properties of Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys with micro-additions of Cr, Ti, V and Zr,Materials Science and Engineering A,2016, 652, 353-364.

  52. X.J.Zhao, L.Guo, Z.Y.Cai, L.R.Xiao, Z.W.Zhao, G.Li, J.Han, H.Q.Ru, N.Zhang, D.L.Chen, SiC and ZrN nano-particulate reinforced AlON composites: preparation, mechanical properties and toughening mechanisms,Ceramics International,2016, 42(5), 6072-6079.

  53. S.K.Shaha, F.Czerwinski, W.Kasprzak, J.Friedman, D.L.Chen, Effect of Mn and heat treatmentonimprovements in static strength and low-cycle fatigue life of an Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy,Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, 657, 441-452.

  54. A.Macwan, D.L.Chen, Ultrasonicspot welding of a rare-earth containing ZEK100 magnesium alloy: Effect of welding energy,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A,2016, 47(4), 1686-1697.

  55. F.Czerwinski, W.Kasprzak, D.Sediako, D.Emadi, S.K.Shaha, J.Friedman, D.L.Chen, High-temperature aluminum alloys for automotive powertrains,Advanced Materials and Processes, 2016, 174(3), 16-20.

  56. F.A.Mirza, K.Wang, S.D.Bhole, J.Friedman, D.L.Chen, D.R.Ni, B.L.Xiao, Z.Y.Ma, Strain-controlled low cycle fatigue properties of a rare-earth containing ME20 magnesium alloy,Materials Science and Engineering A,2016, 661, 115-125.

  57. F.A.Mirza, A.Macwan, S.D.Bhole, and D.L.Chen,Microstructure and fatigue properties of ultrasonic spot welded joints of aluminum 5754 alloy,JOM,2016, 68(5), 1465-1475.

  58. S.K.Shaha, F.Czerwinski, W.Kasprzak, J.Friedman, D.L.Chen,Effect of transition metals on energy absorption during strain-controlled fatigue of an aluminum alloy,International Journal ofFatigue,2016, 87, 456-470.

  59. S.K.Shaha, F.Czerwinski, W.Kasprzak, J.Friedman, D.L.Chen,Effect of Cr, Ti, V and Zr micro-additions on microstructure and mechanical properties of the Al-Si-Cu-Mg cast alloy,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A,2016, 47(5), 2396-2409.

  60. A.Macwan, D.L.Chen, Ultrasonic spot welding of rare-earth containing ZEK100 magnesium alloy to 5754 aluminum alloy,Materials Science and Engineering A,2016, 666, 139-148.  

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