E-mail: xianghp@tongji.edu.cn
2017/4至今 副教授同济大学材料科学与工程学院,上海
2015/1-2017/3 副研究员,福建物质结构研究所结构化学国家重点实验室,福州
2012/7-2014/12 博士后,加州州立大学北邻分校物理系,美国
2010/4-2012/6 博士后,凯泽斯劳滕工业大学物理系,德国
2008/10-2010/3 博士后,亚琛工业大学无机化学系,德国
2003/9-2008/7 无机化学博士,中国科学院长春应用化学研究所
1999/9-2003/7 应用化学学士,安徽大学化学化工学院
1)Ping D. H.,Xiang H. P.,Simulated electron diffraction patterns ofω-Fe in Fe-C martensite,Journal of Applied Physics125, 045105 (2019).
2)Xiang H. P., Zhang M. L. Zhang X. Lu G. Understanding Quantum Plasmonics from Time-Dependent Orbital-Free Density Functional Theory.Journal of Physical Chemistry C120, 14330(2016).
3) Zhang M. L.Xiang. H. P., Zhang X. Lu G. Quantum electrodynamics and plasmonic resonance of metallic nanostructures.Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter28,155302 (2016).
4) Yang M. Cui M. Y. Zhang S. Y.Xiang H. P.*, Guo W. B. He Z. Z. Two S=1/2 one-dimensional barium copper phosphates showing antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic intrachain interactions.Dalton Transactions45, 3319 (2016).
5) Zhang S. Y.,Xiang H. P.*, Guo W. B., Tang Y. Y., Cui M. Y., He Z. Z. Synthesis, characterization, and mechanism analysis ofS= 2 quasi-one-dimensional ferromagnetic semiconductor Pb2Mn(VO4)2(OH).Dalton Transactions45, 7022 (2016).
6)Xiang H. P.*,Tang Y. Y., Zhang S. Y., He Z. Z.Intra-chain superexchange couplings in quasi-1D 3dtransition-metal magnetic compounds.Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter28,276003 (2016).
7)Xiang H. P., Zhang X., Neuhauser D., Lu G., Size-dependent plasmonic resonances from large-scale quantum simulations.Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters5, 1163 (2014).
8) Chaudhuri, D.,Xiang H. P., Lefkidis, G., Huebner, W., Laser-induced ultrafast spin dynamics in di-, tri- and tetranuclear nickel clusters, and the M process.Physical Review B90, 245113(2014).
9)Xiang H. P.*, Lefkidis G., Hübner W., First-principles study of the ultrafast, laser-induced spin transferability in the multi-center magnetic cluster Ni3Na2.Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism26, 2001 (2013).
10)Xiang H. P.*, Lefkidis G., Hübner W. Unified theory of ultrafast femtosecond and conventional picosecond magnetic dynamics in the distorted metallic three-center magnetic cluster Ni3Na2.Physical Review B86, 134402 (2012).
11) Li C., Jin W.,Xiang H. P., Lefkidis G., Hübner W. Theory of laser-induced ultrafast magneto-optic spin flip and transfer in charged two-magnetic-center nanostructures: role of bridging atoms.Physical Review B84, 054415 (2011).
12) Tang X. J.,Xiang H. P., Liu X. H., Dronskowski R. A ferromagnetic carbodiimide: Cr2(NCN)3.Angewandte Chemie122, 4846 (2010).
13)Xiang H. P., Dronskowski R., Eck B., Tchougreeff A L. Influence of Coulomb correlation and spin-orbital coupling on the electronic and magnetic structures of MNCN (M = Fe, Co, Ni).Journal of Physical Chemistry A114, 12345 (2010).
14)Xiang H. P., Liu X. H., Dronskowski R. A theoretical re-investigation of the electronic structure of CuNCN: the influence of packing on the magnetic properties.Journal of Physical Chemistry C113, 18891(2009).
15)Xiang H. P., Liu X. J., Meng J., Wu Z. J., Structural stability and magnetic coupling in CaCu3Co4O12from first principles.Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter21, 045501(2009).
16)Xiang H. P., Wang J. P., Meng J., Wu Z. J., Ferrimagnetic and semiconducting CaCu3Fe2Sb2O12by first principle.Computational Material Science46, 307 (2009).
17)Xiang H. P., Wu Z. J., Ab initio study on the electronic, magnetic and mechanical properties of CaCu3V4O12.Inorganic Chemistry47, 2706 (2008).
18)Xiang H. P., Liu X. J., Hao X. F., Meng J., Wu Z. J., First-principles study on the structural stability and electronic properties of Ba2MIrO6(M=La, Y).Journal of Alloys and Compounds457, 571 (2008).
19)Xiang H. P., Liu X. J., Zhao E. J., Meng J., Wu Z. J., Magnetic and electronic properties of CaCu3Cr4O12and CaCu3Cr2Sb2O12by first-principles density functional calculation.Inorganic Chemistry46, 9575 (2007).
20)Xiang H. P., Liu X. J., Zhao E. J., Meng J., Wu Z. J., Ferrimagnetic and half-metallic CaCu3Fe4O12: Prediction from first principles investigation.Applied Physics Letters91, 011903(2007).
21)Xiang H. P., Liu X. J., Zhao E. J., Meng J., Wu Z. J., First-principles study on the conducting mechanism of the heavy-fermion system CaCu3Ru4O12.Physical Review B76, 155103 (2007).
22) Wu Z. J., Zhao E. J.,Xiang H. P., Hao X. F., Liu X. J., Meng J., Crystal structures and elastic properties of superhard IrN2and IrN3from first principles.Physical Review B76, 054115 (2007).
23) Zhao E. J.,Xiang H. P., Meng J., Wu Z. J., First-principles investigation on the elastic, magnetic and electronic properties of MFe3N (M = Fe, Ru, Os).Chemical Physics Letters449, 96 (2007).
24)Xiang H. P., Liu X. J., Wu Z. J., Meng J., Influence of Mn-O-Mn bond angle on the magnetic and electronic properties in YBaMn2O5.Journal of Physical Chemistry B110, 2606 (2006).
25) Liu X. J.,Xiang H. P., Cai P., Hao X. F., Wu Z. J., Meng J., A first-principles study of the different magnetoresistance mechanisms in CaCu3Mn4O12and LaCu3Mn4O12.
Journal of Materials Chemistry16, 4243 (2006).
26) Liu X. J., Wu Z. J., Hao X. F.,Xiang H. P., Meng J., First-principles comparative study of the pressure-induced phase transition of NaSbO3and NaBiO3.Chemical Physics Letters416, 7 (2005).
27)Xiang H. P., Wu Z. J., Meng J., Theoretical investigation on the magnetic and electronic properties of Sr2BMoO6(B = Fe, Co).Physical Status Solidi (b)242, 1414 (2005)
1) 国家自然基金青年项目(51601187),含时轨道自由密度函数方法(TD-OFDFT)研究量子尺寸金属纳米粒子的局域表面等离子体共振。
2) 人社部留学人员科技活动择优基金(人社厅函2015/192号4),磁性材料研究与设计。
3) 福建省青年基金(2016J05059)新型电磁材料―过渡金属碳-氮化合物的研究与设计。