2013.06-至今: 同济大学材料学院副教授/博导
2008.12-2013.06:哈尔滨工业大学材料学院 副教授/硕导
2005.07-2008.12:哈尔滨工业大学材料学院 讲师
2004.01-2007.11:哈尔滨工业大学力学博士后流动站 博士后
1997.09-2003.12:哈尔滨工业大学 材料学院材料学 硕博连读
1993.09-1997.07:哈尔滨工业大学 材料学院材料学 学士
[1] Y.J. Wu, A.H. Feng*, S.J. Qu, X. Hu, J. Shen. Macro-microscopic field evolution of Ti6Al4V alloy during isothermal upsetting based on deform platform. Materials Research Exppress 6 (2019) 056504.
[2] Z.X. Zhag, S.J. Qu*, A.H. Feng, X. Hu, J. Shen. Microstructural mechanisms during multidirectional isothermal forging of as-cast Ti-6Al-4V alloy with an initial lamellar microstructure. J. Alloys Compd.713 (2019)277-287.
[3] S.J. Qu, A.H. Feng*, M.R. Shagiev, H. Xie, B.B. Li, J. Shen. Superplastic behavior of the fine-grained Ti-21Al-18Nb-1Mo-2V-0.3Si intermetallic alloy. Letters on Materials8 (4s) (2018) 567-571.
[4] J.M. Xiang, G.B. Mi, S.J. Qu*, X. Huang, Z. Chen, A.H. Feng, J. Shen, D.L. Chen**. Thermodynamic and microstructural study of Ti2AlNb oxides at 800oC. Scientific Reports. 8 (2018) 1276.
[5] K. Zhu, S.J. Qu, A.H. Feng, J.L. Sun, J. Shen*. Evolution of the microstructure and lamellar orientation of a beta-solidifying gamma-TiAl-based alloy during hot compression. Metals. 8 (2018) 445.
[6] C.K. Yan, A.H. Feng*, S.J. Qu, J.L. Sun, J. Shen. Hot deformation and grain refinement mechanisms of commercially pure titanium processed via three-directional cryo-compression. Mater. Sci. Eng. A731 (2018) 266-277.
[7] C.K. Yan, A.H. Feng*, S.J. Qu, G.J. Cao, J.L. Sun, J. Shen, D.L. Chen**. Dynamic recrystallization of titanium: Effect of pre-activated twinning at cryogenic temperature. Acta Mater. 154 (2018) 311-324.
[8] Z.X. Zhang, S.J. Qu, A.H. Feng, X. Hu, J. Shen*. The low strain rate response of as-cast Ti-6Al-4V alloy with an initial coarse lamellar structure. Metals. 8 (2018) 270-1-13.
[9] S.J. Qu*, S.Q. Tang, A.H. Feng, C. Feng, J. Shen, D.L. Chen**. Microstructural evolution and high-temperature oxidation mechanisms of a titanium aluminide based alloy. Acta Mater.148 (2018) 300-310.
[10]S.Q. Tang, S.J. Qu, A.H. Feng, C. Feng, J. Shen*, D.L. Chen**. Core-multishell globular oxidation in a new TiAlNbCr alloy at high temperatures. Scientific Reports. 7 (2017) 3483.
[11]Z.X. Zhang, S.J. Qu*, A.H. Feng, J. Shen, D.L. Chen*. Hot deformation behavior of Ti-6Al-4V alloy: Effect of initial microstructure. J. Alloys Compd.. 718 (2017) 170-181.
[12]Z.X. Zhang, S.J. Qu*, A.H. Feng, J. Shen. Achieving grain refinement and enhanced mechanical properties in Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by multidirectional isothermal forging. Mater. Sci. Eng. A692 (2017) 127-138.
[13]陶国强,祁广源,曲寿江*,沈军,多向等温锻造Ti-44Al-4Nb-1.5Cr-0.5Mo-0.1B-0.1Y合金高温压缩变形行为研究,钛工业进展,35(3) (2018) 11-15.
[14]张胜雷,陈卓,曲寿江*,冯艾寒,陆煦,沈军,陈道伦,热处理对电子束选区熔化制备的Ti-6Al-4V合金组织与力学性能的影响,热加工工艺,47(10) (2018) 226-231.
[15]汤守巧,曲寿江*,冯艾寒,冯聪,崔扣彪,沈军,TiAl基合金高温抗氧化研究进展,稀有金属,41(1) (2017) 81-93.
[16]程祥霞,曲寿江*,冯艾寒,沈军,钛铝金属间化合物晶团与片层尺寸效应研究进展,稀有金属,40(4) (2016) 393-402.
[17]朱慧萍,曲寿江*,祁广源,沈军,Ti2AlNb基合金轧板高温抗氧化性能研究,稀有金属,40(2) (2016) 104-109.
[18]S. J. Qu, A. H. Feng, L. Geng, Z. Y. Ma, J. C. Han. DSC analysis of liquid volume fraction and compressive behavior of the semi-solid Si3N4w/Al-Si composite. Scripta Mater.. 56 (11) (2007) 951-954.
[19]S.J. Qu, L. Geng, J.C. Han, SiCp/Al composites fabricated by modified squeeze casting technique, J. Mater. Sci. Technol.23(5) (2007) 641-644
[20]S.J. Qu, J.C. Han, S.H. Meng. Compressive deformation behavior of the ferritic oxide dispersion strengthened alloys at elevated temperatures,Asian Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength’06, Sanya, Hainan Island, China,2006.11
[21]S. Chen, S.J. Qu, J. Liang, J.C. Han. Sintering and microstructure evolution of columnar nickel-based superalloy sheets prepared by EB-PVD. J. Alloys Compd., 507(1) (2009) 146-150